Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 05:17

Eczema Symptoms

Eczema Symptoms As atopic eczema is a chronic disease symptoms are generally present all the time. A chronic disease is a long-term one; one that persists for a long time. However, during a flare-up...

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 05:15

Eczema Causes

Eczema is caused when the body makes too few ceramides. Ceramides are the fatty cells which help provide the barrier protection to the skin. If you don’t have enough of them, the skin will lose water...

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 05:13

What is Eczema

Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema (the most common form of eczema). Atopic eczema mainly affects children, but it can continue into adulthood or start later in life. The word...

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